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Best-selling writer

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Slohy Empty
PostSubject: Skola   Slohy EmptySun Apr 06, 2008 4:40 pm

Ked sa vyskytne nejaky zaujimavy sloh, projekt alebo podobna kravina, daj vediet Wink
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Best-selling writer

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Slohy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slohy   Slohy EmptySun Apr 06, 2008 4:49 pm

Domaca uloha z angliny... Trosku som presvihla rozsah, dokonca aj napriek tomu ze 20 slov hore-dolu je beztrestnych.

Zadanie: Write a short article about your favourite book (based on your own experience!) between 160 and 180 words.

Freedom is slavery

I think I would never believe this, but last year I found a reason to change my opinion. I started reading my favourite book when the reality show Big Brother was on, because I wanted to know why the novel was so famous when the show was such a farce.

Nineteen Eighty-Four was written by George Orwell. He wrote it in 1949, so we could consider it a sci-fi; However, he perfectly covered the matter of totality and ‘’explained’’ the saying Everybody has everything, nobody has nothing.

The story takes part in London, which in this book is called Airstrip One. It’s the capital of Oceania, one of the three empires in the world. The terrifying living conditions of ordinary people are described in full details, but the most important aspect are feelings.

Winston Smith is an ordinary officer. Nevertheless, he’s too smart to believe in Big Brother’s fallibility and the slogans of the Party. In addition, as he gets to know Julia, he finds the meaning of love. Sadly, then we watch slow change from an independent person stuck in ‘’hell’’ to physically free, but totally phlegmatic machine.

Firstly I thought this book was too thick to be catchy and attractive, but finally I knew that, for me, the best parts were those, where Winston was asking himself what did the word ‘’freedom’’ really mean. Of course, we have democracy, but after reading this novel I had to admit nobody is absolutely (mentally) free.
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Best-selling writer

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Slohy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slohy   Slohy EmptyMon Apr 07, 2008 10:53 pm

Tentokrát domáca zo sloviny. Napíš glosu (téma voľná ale glosa sa dá písať len z vlastnej skúsenosti. Alebo si ju skopíruj ak sa ti páči). Nie som si celkom istá, či tam má byť aj nadpis alebo nie, pre každý prípad tam je.

Za zmätok v dejepise môžu politici

Obrovské množstvo žiakov nemôže ísť von či surfovať po nete a kecať o tom, čo je cool, iba kvôli tomu, že si nevedeli spomenúť na zopár čísel.

Nechápem napríklad, prečo sa rozšírenie Európskej únie o 10 štátov udialo 1. 5. 2004. Pričom už vtedy sa hovorilo o historickej udalosti, o ktorej sa bude písať v učebniciach – a oni to šupli na taký sprostý dátum, úplne nesúvisiaci s udalosťou. Potom sa ani samotní politici nestačili čudovať, keď istá blonďatá celebrita na otázku, koľko krajín Únia má, odpovedala. „Päť alebo päťdesiat?“ A viete, čo je príčinou? Tá päťka v dátume! Prečo to nemohlo byť 25. 10.? Všetci by si pamätali, že EÚ sa rozrástla na 25 členov, a to o 10 krajín.

Rovnako tak Schengenský priestor. Veď dvadsiaty prvý december je absolútne nezapamätateľný deň. Nikto si naň nespomenie už ani po piatich mesiacoch. Tento dátum dopadne rovnako ako oficiálne schválený pamätný Deň zápasu za ľudské práva, kt. bol nedávno stanovený na 25. 3., ale málokto to tušil, lebo po Veľkonočnom pondelku ho bolo vhodnejšie nazvať dňom zápasu s bolením hlavy.

Ani koniec II. svetovej vojny nezabezpečili víťazné mocnosti dôkladne. Namiesto krásneho dátumu 5. 5. 1945, ktorý by si pamätali aj jednoduchšie formy života, ako napríklad prvoky, sa v školách učí o ôsmom máji a ďalšia trauma školákov je na svete. V r. 1943 pri dobytí ukrajinského Žitomiru vraj padol sovietskym vojakom do rúk sklad s tisíckami litrov alkoholu a oni verní svojmu zvyku piť až do dna, ostali na mieste neschopní ďalšieho postupu. A viete ako dlho boli podľa historických záznamov opití? Presne tri dni! Keby si nechali chľastanie na neskôr, mohol byť svet krajší. Všimnime si napríklad, že I. svetová vojna, o ktorej sa hovorilo, že je to vojna, ktorá skončí všetky vojny, skončila veľmi pekne 11. 11. a každý si to pamätá, hoci to nie je dňom pracovného pokoja.

Ďalšou absolútne nelogickou historickou vecou bolo vydávanie Zlatých búl. Ondrej II. s Fridrichom II. si každý vydali svoju bulu, navyše v podobných rokoch – 1212 a 1222. A teraz nech sa chudák žiačik zorientuje, ktorú kto a kedy. Zrejme bola snaha nazvať dokumenty tak, aby sa to ľahko pamätalo. Nazvať obe rovnako však môže vyjsť iba od bula, preto môžeme očakávať, že najbližšia bude mať názov Zlatá bula perešská.

Taktiež treba zdôrazniť, že každá slušne vychovaná historická osobnosť má ľahko zapamätateľný čas vládnutia. O Márii Terézii celý národ vie, že vládla 40 rokov a spomenie si dokonca aj na to, že to bolo od r, 1740 do r. 1780. Ale čo povedať o takom buranovi ako František Jozef, kt. prevzal moc v r. 1848 a umrel v r. 1916? To už nemohol dva roky vydržať? Nielenže by sa do mladých hláv ľahšie vošlo 70 rokov, ale takto sa treba učiť ešte o ďalšom cisárovi, kt. by sa už inak na trón nedostal.

A keďže mi práve volá kamoška, aby sa posťažovala, že nezohnala lak na nechty vo farbe nového trička, dátum narodenia Štúra a ďalších jemu podobných ostáva v nedohľadne. Veď história si pamätá činy, a na tie my veru spomíname často. Napríklad pri diktátoch...

Zaver je odveci ziadny lepsi ma nenapadol. A mozno je to trochu dlhe. Ako vzdy... Very Happy Dam vediet ako to dopadlo ked mi to Polakova vrati...
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Slohy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slohy   Slohy EmptySun Apr 13, 2008 11:13 pm

Dalsia uloha z angliny =/ uz mi to lezie hore krkom... Tentokrat projekt o starych Slovanoch, 160-180 slov (mam 198 ale vraj plus minus 20 je ok, toho sa nadejam...) Ako sa ma clovek vtrepat do takeho kratkeho rozsahu?!

Old Slavs

Who are we?
Although we aren’t well known in the world, our ancestors belonged to the biggest European ethnic. Throughout the history, three basic branches were separated: Eastern Slavs, Southern Slavs and Western Slavs.

The most famous times
The first Western Slavs settled here in the 4th century, however, the first empire was The Empire of Samo. Later, Great Moravia was formed. Its princes as Pribina or Svätopluk are still considered national heroes.

Slavs were the first in Central Europe to adopt Christianity. It was brought in 863 by St. Cyril and Metodius, missionary brothers from the Byzantine Empire. To be able to translate Bible into Slavic language, Cyril invented new script called Glagolitic alphabet.

Arts and crafts
Majority of Slavs were shepherds and farmers. However, they were also well known for their jewellery, which was often made of bronze and gold, or for high-class pottery produced even without a pallet.

Slavs today

A half of today’s European population are the descendants of Slavs. Although every nation is different, we have common origin and we are all proud of it. That’s what matters in the world where everything is ruled by West.

PS. Nepreslo kontrolou anglinarky zatial, prave som to dopisala takze treba ratat s chybickami. Specialne pri tej poslednej vete by tam asi malo byt the West, ale nie som si ista....

Lucim sa idem spat Sleep
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Slohy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slohy   Slohy EmptySun May 04, 2008 7:08 pm

Uz mam toho naozaj dost... Za kazdou jednou poondiatou lekciou sloh... Keby dala aspon normalnu temu!

-write an article (180-200 words) about the celebrity you admire most

The celebrity I admire most - Eric Arthur Blair

Today, newspapers are full of “celebrities“. However, these haven’t brought out anything new, they simply try to “stay on top” by having affairs wherever they appear. What should we admire them for?

The person I admire most is known as George Orwell. He spent all his life fighting against different movements. Firstly, it was fascism that needed to be stopped. In these times, Orwell was delighted at the communistic ideas; however, he totally refused Stalin’s socialism. These beliefs were expressed in Animal Farm, which he linked directly to Stalin.

Later on, he determined “democratic socialism” as totality with an opportunity to choose. He reacted to the situation in the novel Nineteen-Eighty Four. The world was heading a disaster if socialism would go ahead.

Through many years he was publishing his essays in newspapers. He’s considered the best English essayist ever, no wonder why. Most of his works are linked with his struggle for democracy, freedom of speech and against poverty.

In conclusion, I admire this writer for his direct way of life and for his opened criticism to totality. I absolutely agree to the opinions showed in his two most famous books. As he said: “Freedom is the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear.” But sometimes this wants a great deal of courage…

Povodne som chcela pisat o Jagudinovi alebo Bonovi, nejak nevydalo Very Happy
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Slohy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slohy   Slohy EmptySat Nov 15, 2008 5:40 pm

No co, ako si dopadla s tou anglinou?
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Slohy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slohy   Slohy EmptyTue Jan 12, 2010 9:43 pm

Tak... nazorny priklad takzvameho HVČ - hľadania vedľajšej činnosti Very Happy Totiž mala by som sa učiť elektrónový obal atómu, ale je mi na zaspatie a vôbec ale vôbec sa mi nechce... Tak aspoň zavesím tú slávnu ústnu prezentáciu, čo som sa na nej toľko natrápila Very Happy Dá sa využiť aj v písomnej forme, len v takom prípade chýba ešte nadpis.

As you probably have realized yet, being a part of the British royal family is not at all a bed of roses. We could certainly spend quite a long time discussing the advantages and disadvantages of their lifestyle, but there’s a special custom I would like to point out today.

Have you ever imagined how it would feel to celebrate your birthday twice a year? In fact, there is just one person with this privilege and for the time being it is Queen Elizabeth II. Of course, you could ask what’s so special about it, but consider the two-month delay.

The Queen was born 21st April, but the official celebrations have been held in June for several years. Moreover, the day on which the ceremony is held, can’t be accurately determined. Usually, it is the 2nd Saturday in June, but still, the date can be changed according to the Queen’s other arrangements, so it could be also the first or the third one.

The Sovereign’s birthday has been celebrated in June since 1805. The day is marked by the Trooping the Colour ceremony. This tradition dates back to Middle Age when it was vital for the soldiers to recognize the appropriate flag, or Colour, so that they could follow it into battle. Each year, one of the five regiments is given the honour to display their flag. (*Grenadiers, Coldstream Guards, Scots, Irish and Welsh Guards)

The real Queen’s birthday is remembered as well, although no official events are held. All over the country, however, the national anthem is sung and the UK flags are flown on public buildings.

In the other countries of the Commonwealth, the Sovereign’s birthday is celebrated with a similar delay, but you could be surprised that the dates also vary. In the major part of Australia, for instance, as well as in New Zealand they have a public holiday on the 2nd Monday in June. In Western Australia, however, they celebrate Foundation date on this particular Monday, so the day on which they observe the Queen’s birthday is chosen every year. It could be the last Monday in September or the first one of October. In Canada, they celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s birthday on the Monday on or before 24th May, which is, by coincidence the day Queen Victoria was born, and the day is therefore called Victorian day.

Again, we could debate over this issue and probably could not agree if this is really one of the positive aspects of the royal lifestyle. The most daring ones even raise the question if it is really the Queen’s birthday people celebrate. But she is certainly someone to be reminded of, no matter which day is chosen.
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Best-selling writer

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Slohy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slohy   Slohy EmptyWed Mar 17, 2010 7:40 pm

super páčia sa mi tie slohy
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Slohy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slohy   Slohy Empty

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